Friday, 19 February 2010
Times are changing, Lifes changing, the world is changing.
Its not that ive lost interest in the TVB world, i still support Ron but this obsesssion of mine has actually gone away. Its at a point which is so busy i honestly have no time to maintain anything. I have so much work to get through everyday, and everytime i get home i dont have the time to think about the website, let alone maintaining it.
Maybe when the host expired maybe it was the right time to move on. Maybe it indicated i had to move on and get on with life. There are things that are so much more important now....all these years of effort put into ronforever, starting from a little blog, to a forum, to an actual website was amazing. But I dont consider it as a sucess when i look back, it was so inactive..and sometimes i thought i just wasnt worth it anymore.
So maybe il be back someday, maybe i wont but for the mean time i wish you all a Happy Chinese New Year and maybe one day il return and find my motivation to start it all up again..
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
I remember starting up 2 years ago. And it was fun and it took a lot of work. Over these 2 years i've put so many hours and effort into establishing an International Forum for Ron fans and only yesterday when i tried to access the site it was for some reason locked. I dont know why and i dont know how but i was worried. Worried that all my work has gone down the drain. All those hours of translating those long articles were lost...It isnt easy to set up a site like this. And for those of you who know it requires a lot of work.
And so im trying to find out what is the problem. I've emailed Asian4ever who gave us the domain and also my other admin Celes who hasnt been online lately. I really do hope i can solve this problem. But what if i cant? What do I do? Its hard because if i do rebuild the site its going to take a lot more time than it initially did. So would i have to give it up? I dont know. I dont have the time and the effort to rebuild it and Ronforever meant a lot to me because it brought a lot of joy in my spare time just chatting with others.
Nevertheless i will do my best to sort the problem. I cant gurantee anything and I wont because im scared and worried...i may have lost Ronforever...forever
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
Attention: is officially closed. Our new site, which is pretty much the same as this blog isnt a forum but just a normal site with updates!
For all of Ron's latest updates, we hope to all see you at
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Suki Tsui: Nothing will spark between Ron and I, Saturday, 26th July 2008Translated by: Sammy@
Source: Oriental Daily, Wenweipo
Date: Saturday, 26th July 2008
Suki Tsui and Ron Ng yesterday participated in the new series (紅 粉 商 人) Costume fitting. Suki was worried that rumours might arise when working with Ron. Yesterday at the function she said that she can’t prevent rumours but she asked people not to believe them. Asked if she likes hot boys? Suki replied “I don’t really know Ron well and I don’t even know how old he is but I just feel that nothing can spark between us, and I hope nothing does either.
In (紅粉商人), Ron plays a Rice factory manager but has to cut his hair short for this production. In August and September Ron will start filming so he has spent these two weeks earning as much money as he can. Apart from going to the US & Toronto to perform he will also be filming a wedding advertisement with Fiona Sit which in the end will all turn into money.

More costume fitting pictures at the link below:
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Thursday, 24 July 2008

Source: Takungpao
Translated by: aZnangel @
Ella Koon Being asked of Past Rumors with Ron Ng - July 22, 2008Yesterday Ella Koon accepted an interview from a new radio station "Music Connecting the World" 《音樂通世界》, the host asked if her iPod contained the two songs "Don't Blame Her" and "Miss Hermes", she frankly said that she does have the songs on her iPod. During the interview she was also asked about her past rumors with Vincent Wong and Ron Ng. Ella explained that before her friend was responsible for entering the songs for her, so she does not know what songs she had. Asked if she deleted the song "Don't Blame Her" now? She smiled: "I already got a new one, when the time comes probably my younger sister or friend would help me put the songs in." As to her past rumors, Ella said that she does not feel like talking about it as she has already talked about it in the past. Some of the rumors were true, some were fake.
Fear of MisunderstandingAsked if she and Ron Ng's relationship was true? She smiled: "I won't say it la." She also believes that the audience now are very clever, they knows what is true and what's false. As an artiste, singer and a performer, she is able to entertain everyone in different aspects, she feels that its a good thing. In Ella's 3 rumored boyfriends, who does she not want to talk about the most? Ella said she does not want to just randomly talk about other people, currently she only wants to do her best. As for which of her past rumors caused her to be the most unhappy? She said times when she gets misunderstood, sometimes she says things too fast or didn't answered questions well, it will give an opportunity for the media to write something negative for the news.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Ron Ng Sells his Soccer Jersey - July 19, 2008
Recently TVB and Ebay have been working together to promote sales with TVB artists such as Ron Ng, Joel Chan, Miriam Yeung, Fala Chan and Tavia Yeung. Yesterday all of them attended the "Ebay and TVB sales online" function bringing some of their things to sell. Ron brought his Soccer Jersey which he hasnt worn before. He expressed that he really liked soccer and Tavia teased him as the "Ball Lover" which made Ron laugh.

Source: Oriental Daily
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Thursday, 10 July 2008
According to Month~as follows...
Jan: What similarities do you and Ron share?
Feb: What do you prefer Ron doing? Acting? Singing? Or Dancing? Why?
March: If you get to spend a day with Ron, where would you go?
April: If Ron is willing to accept any presents from you, what will you give him and why?
May.When did you start liking Ron. Why?
June.In what drama you think Ron perform the best and why it is most memorable to you??
July.What is your favourite drama? And why?
Aug. If you could treat Ron to a meal, where would you take him? (Somewhere in HK or a well known food outlet)
Sept. Which actress you think Ron pair up best in his dramas??
Oct. Do you like Ron doing modern dramas or ancient dramas?? eg: the academy? twins of brothers??
Nov. What made you become a fan of Ron?
Dec. Your most memorable Ron moment ?
Please PM Sammyy or sugarplum892 (Irene) at with your answer along with the question!
Here is a question which we would love to use, but it may be hard for us to translate into chinese..If there are any complaints about the questions please feel free to pm Sammyy.
*What superpowers do you wish Ron had? Why?**ONLY answer the question that is in your birthday month! Thanks!Submittion Form
Question & Answer:Thanks =)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
[URGENT] Submit Your PhotoTo all fans who want to be a part of Ron's Calendar Birthday Present please submit their pictures now. Its pretty desperate as one of our designers wont be available after 11th July.
Please State
Please pm Sammyy or sugarplum892 (Irene) at with your picture and information ASAP. Thanks!
P.S we need to shut the Questions submittion tmrw because as mentioned above, desperate to get everything done.
It is most important that December Girls need to get their photos submitted~thanks...
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Translated by: Sammy@
Source: Singtao & hkheadline
Date: Tuesday, 8th July 2008

Michael Miu: It was a pity Gallen Lo divorced
A few days ago Gallen Lo and his wife have divorced, but last night Michael Miu attended a celebration for Academy Full Throttle, he arrived with his wife for the celebration but when starting to talk about the divorce Michael felt that every family will have to go through hardship, and even having a relationship with his wife for 18 years, Michael thinks that it is most important to be able to tolerate one another.
Academy Full Throttle has finally finished filming so last night the cast, Michael Miu, Ron Ng, Elanne Kong, Kathy Chow and Michael Tse all arrived at Causeway Bay to celebrate. Michael Miu and his wife were hand in hand on arrival. Asked if Michael Miu was treating everyone for a meal? He said “Kathy said that she was going to but it really doesn’t matter who does la”. Michael Miu said that this celebration party was a buffet and that about 40-50 people were going to attend.
Ron Ng took the taxi to Causeway Bay but denied that he was going to drink therefore he wouldn’t be able to drive. After finishing filming, Ron Ng will start filming an ancient drama in August. He said “summer’s weather is great, especially for filming ancient dramas”. Elanne Kong will be planning to treat the cast for a meal. She said “I’m planning to treat everyone for a meal because it was my first time filming and they have taught me so much!”
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Monday, 7 July 2008
Ron's Birthday PresentHey everyone,
Well it’s that time of the year again, something special is happening! Its Ron’s birthday! As most of you have seen that Ron will be holding a Birthday party with Tavia Yeung (Yes TARO fans are probably extremely excited). This year we are actually planning to
give a gift to Ron. With much help from
Keiko from Ron-station we have decided to make a
combined present to give to Ron.
As a Ronforever initiative we are going to make a
Calendar for Ron’s birthday. Because most overseas fans don’t know how to read Chinese and aren’t able to navigate around Ron-station there may be a lack of contribution to the video present above. Therefore I hope all of us can be apart of the whole present!
As mentioned above I was speaking of a Calendar for Ron’s Birthday. This will be an idea Ronforever have put together with the help of fans from Ron-station. In other words it’ll be a joined present. Anyone can contribute to the Calendar present as it’s a graphics present but there may be many people submitting entries therefore we can only use the best ones. BUT any great ideas used will be used in the final copy.
So here is how the whole Calendar thing works.
There are 12 months and four seasons in a year right? On your birthday month we will mark your birthday on the date so Ron will know when it is
In each Calendar there is usually a picture and then a table of all the days in the month. In that picture for each month we are planning to have a picture of Ron. I.e. in summer there will be Ron at the beach or something. With that we will have a Question such as what is your favourite Ron Drama?
If your birthday is during this month you will be required to answer that question and it will be made in a collage with the other fan’s responses.
So it should end up like this:

All Questions will require the answer as well as Why you like Ron. I need all of you to help think of 12 questions we can get fans to answer. E.g.
January: What series do you like and why?
February: What is your most favourite character and why?
This is only an idea, not the final questions.
On the 10th of July hopefully we’ll have all the questions and then we can start getting fans to design and hopefully think of a response.
The thread:
Ron-station already have started combining their birthday present for Ron. They are making a video of messages from fans. Here are the details below.
So if you're interested here is what you have to do
1. Video tape a video of yourself
-Your Name
-Where you are From
-A Birthday wish to Ron (NO MORE THEN 1MIN)
2. Email it to ASAP
Limited space only, but i'll try to fit everyone's video in it.
so hurry and send your video In.. first come first sever
any question you are welcome to email
me or kitty (
OR you can directly ask Irene or me if there are any problems.
OR Reply in this thread
This will be our first present to Ron! Hope that all of you can contribute! Thanks
Monday, July 07, 2008
Canada Sing Tao Weekly "Ron's Interview, Performance & Others", July, 6, 2008
Credit: RonOnline
Rest of article at
Monday, July 07, 2008
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: kingkongit27 @
Michael Tse fights Ron Ng in "The Academy III" - July 5, 2008Michael Tse, Ron Ng and Sammul Chan were filming "The Academy III" yesterday. They filmed a scene about Ron Ng and Michael Tse fighting on the moutains of Sai Kung. During the fight, Sammul will kill Michael by shooting him. Although, the weather was very hot the actors were very professional and didn't complain.
The reporters asked Michael about the rumours of Chin Ka Lok and Angela Tong dating. He asks the reporters for more information then replies "Perhap's they are just good friends who often chat alot?". (Asked whether he believes they are dating?) "They are both single, even if they are really dating it's normal. But perhap's it's a little sudden." Ron Ng heard the reporters discussing about Chin Ka Lok and immediatley appeared interested in the rumoured news, asking for more details from the reporters. He replied "They probably were with many other friends at the time. But it was just an coincidence that the reporters had taken pictures of just the two of them.
Ron and Elanne Kong also filmed scenes at a park. The storyline consists of Ron as a undercover policeman who pretends to fall in love with Elanne, to make her Triad leader father (Michael Miu) get caught. During the scenes they only appeared to hold hands and cuddle. There were no intimate scenes involved.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Friday, 4 July 2008
TV Issue 184-July 3, 2008

Credit: RonOnline
More pictures & magazine scans at
Friday, July 04, 2008
Monday, 30 June 2008

Hi, it's Irene here!
So I heard that some of you guys went to see Ron at Atlantic City on June 28, 2008!! And I believe that you guys must have taken some very good pictures of Ron while he was performing on stage!! So to share the experience with others who could not make it there, please be kindly enough to upload those pictures onto Ronforever's Gallery section under the topic of "[Exclusive] Ron at Atlantic City Hilton Concert 2008" at the link below:
Thank you very much!
Monday, June 30, 2008